Minister of Economic Affairs Jyri Häkämies pointed out the role of sustainable growth in Finland during the next decades (Photo: Jukka Seppälä/Creator's Fingerprints)
Minister Häkämies was setting sustainable growth as one of the main targits of "Tulevaisuus 2030 (Future 2030)-project. Häkämies was giving the closing speech of "Tulevaisuuden taitajat - Tulevaisuus 2030" -seminarium in Helsinki 27th September 2012. The meeting was organized by the Prime Ministers Office as a part of citizens consulting process of Government Foresight 2030 -report.
The participants of the meeting were discussing ideas and topics covering possibilities of foreseeing the future national and global trends and how to react or control them.
More about the meeting can be found on my Finnish blog-site:
or on the official Tulevaisuus 2030-site (Finnish):