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Teacher, activist, interested in energy technology, climate change, environmental issues and global security.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Finland Has No New Nokia In Sight - But the Network Of Clean-Tech Companies Could Be One In the Future

There is an ongoing discussion in Finland whether there exists a company capable of inheriting the role of Nokia as a global business leader. The Angry Birds-fenomen has been giving some hope that Finnish know-how in portable device gaming and entertainment business would create new nokialike enterprices.

But personally I think there perhaps will not exist one single super-company that rules the world in its own business sector. I believe that network of mid-sized or smaller companies have the possibility to win the game in the future. It's kind of less vulnerable model of making business if you don't have all the fuel in the same tank.

The recent hard times for Nokia have made some politicians desperate in Finland. If Nokia loses the game it will cause bad disturbances also in Finnish economy as whole.

But this kind of thinking may include some kind of ghosts of "back to 70ies" nostalgy. Big companies, ten year planning, bilateral trade with the Soviet Union, etc. I can hear here also the old centralized energy policy speaking: without nuclear power and other big power generating units we just can't manage; 'don't even speak about wind, biomass or solar - it's rubbish'.

And here's my point: new world economy - with plenty of uncertainties - needs a new kind of economical thinking. I see it extremely dangerous to lean on only one company or technology, especially if it needs decades to build and takes the major part of the money available in the market for investments and R&D money given by the taxpayers. If that technology fails it takes whole the national economy with it. And the negative psycological impact for the nation may be huge.

If we and our politicians and business leaders prefer technologies that don't take decades to become mature enough to start bringing back investments, though the profit would not be so huge but secure, we could be the overall winners in the long run. Clean technology - the renewables- wind, solar, waves, bioenergy are the great new wave of energy technology that's rolling around the world like a tsunami right now. And the other wave of big business opportunities will be decommissioning our own existing nuclear power plants safely and taking really good care of nuclear waste and the million-Hiroshimas-plutonium that's sleeping in there - for several hundreds of thousands of years.

This all needs political steering and guidance and also economical supporting by the state. In the beginning new technologies like wind and solar tend to overheat the market and the disturbances caused by costly R&D, over capacity in production and the competition of developing economies with their  low pricing, makes the new market unstable. To survive the industry needs some balancing subsidiaries that make the pricing of clean power generated with renewables competitive with conventional coal and nuclear power that have earned billions of subsidiaries, hidden or public, during the last decades. Now it's time for the renewables to get the big money.

 (If you have doubts about the subsidiaries got by the nuclear industry I suggest for you to do some critical research on the subject. In the USA the situation is mainly similar to other countries with NPPs, though they have their nuclear weapons production on the background. This link tells the US-situation in short: ROBERT F. KENNEDY Jr. - YOUTUBE:   )

By supporting networks of clean tech companies we could create clusters that change the world, give us and other countries possibility to cut their carbon emmissions, reduce their particle emissions and eliminate the danger of worldwide nuclear isotope emissions connected with use and accidents of nuclear power. Meantime developing economies could have gain to safe, profitable way of generating power even to the villages far from big cities. And the dependance on rich countries and their powerful enterprises would deminish when they won't have to import the energy or fuel any more. This all would create prosperity the same way in these countries as it would do in our own country. It's a win-win situation that we could create now mostly with political decision making. But it takes some courage to be done.


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