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Teacher, activist, interested in energy technology, climate change, environmental issues and global security.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Quick Look At The Energy World

Huge demonstrations in Japan - the Ajisai Revolution - has finally reached one of its goals: the Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Noda is ready to negotiate with the demonstrators - and what's more important - he is willing to delay the government decision about Japans energy future and ask his government officials for advice which would be the impacts for the nation of a possible new energy politics of ending Japans reliance on nuclear power.


Let's hope this road will lead to denucleration of Japan and after that the denucleration of the world! That's our goal.

Another US Nuclear Power Company Chief claims nuclear power can't compete economically any more with gas and renewables. General Electric CEO Jeff Immet told on Financical Times interview that nuclear power was "really hard" to defend financially as the costs of nuclear reactors increase due to new safety demands caused by the new information achieved after Fukushima disaster and the lowering costs for new solar panel technology for instance.

I think it's about time to rethink our national plans to build new nuclear reactors in Finland, before we are making errors that cost us billions of euros. And in the worst case, thousands of lives.

The delayed, super-expensive Olkiluoto 3 nuclear reactor, still under construction.


Just for remainder:
Link - FORBES:

A Small Windpark On Crete

US Study reveals the wide economical positive impacts that building large wind parks will have on the surrounding society: 23 largest wind parks in Illinois bring 6 billion dollars to the state  - in economic benefits. So the renewable energy production tax credits are not wasted money, but benefit whole the state and especially the region of the wind parks. The study tells the wind parks had created 19 000 jobs during the construction and 814 permanent jobs.

That should be discussed widely also here in Finland: in 2010 wind power industry employed 190 000 workers in Europe, and it will offer jobs for 25 000 people in Finland in 2020 according to our national roadmap for renewable energy.

Link (Finnish) - KYMENSANOMAT:


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